Thursday, April 2, 2015

In the last 500 years there have been three tetrads of blood moons that have occurred on God’s Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles. There are seven feasts[1] altogether with Passover being the first of the seven and Tabernacles being the last.[2] In each of these tetrads, 1493-94; 1949-50; 1967-68 something negative happened to the Jews followed by something positive.[3] The last set of tetrads on Passover and Tabernacles for hundreds of years, according to NASA, has already occurred in 2014, and will occur on this Friday-Saturday April 3-4 on Passover and once more on September 28 on Tabernacles. The burning question is this: what is going to happen to Israel and what will happen to those who are, and who will come against Israel?
No one can answer those questions with any specificity, but one thing that we can know is that it is “dangerous” to come against the elect and chosen nation of God. Spain did in 1492 and subsequently began to decline as a nation; Five Arab nations did in 1948,[4] with the intent to annihilate the Jews, but they failed; then in 1967, between June 5 and June 10, Israel defeated Egypt, Jordan, and Syria and occupied the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. And now the American president, regardless of his rhetoric, is opposing Israel. He actually is threatening them with the United Nations, and he is determined to solve “the Israeli/Palestinian problem” by forcing Israel into a so-called two state solution. This would mean a divided Jerusalem! And how long would it be until “the state of Palestine” was another Gaza providing geography and opportunity for terrorists groups such as Hamas or Hezbollah to attack Israel?
It is my opinion that President Barack Obama is on dangerous ground. The only question in my mind is this: Will God’s response be only toward him or will it also include the nation which elected him as president? It has been said that a nation gets the leader that they deserve. You and I may not have voted for him, but he is nevertheless our elected president and elections do have consequences! Only time will tell when,what and to whom God's response will be. 
With that being said, I believe that the blood moons are God’s signs in the heavens—especially to believers—that He is in control. Nothing takes Him by surprise! As a matter of fact, the precise timing of the blood moons on Passover and Tabernacles over the last 500 years, and now in 2014-2015, should encourage your faith and trust in God like never before!

[1] Seven is God’s number of perfection or completion. The Seven Feasts of God, revealed in the Old Testament, are His plan of redemption as well as His plan to restore all things back to Himself—including Israel and the entire earth. For a more complete explanation on this subject, see my blog, and my six messages on “God’s Plan for Jerusalem,” and my six messages on “Joyful Anticipation of the End Times.”
[2] The order of the feasts are as follows: 1. Passover, 2. Unleavened Bread, 3. First Fruits, 4. Pentecost, 5. Trumpets, 6. Day of Atonement, 7. Tabernacles  ( For a brief description of the feasts, please visit my blog and go to “The Seven Prophetic Feasts of God,” from 2/23/12.
[3] See my blog from March 31, 2015 for more detail
[4] Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq

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