Wednesday, May 11, 2016


1.) Personal labeling means creating a completely negative self-image based on your mistakes or errors. The philosophy behind this distorted thinking is this: “the measure of a person is the mistakes that they make.” There is a good chance you are involved in personal labeling whenever you describe your mistakes with phrases such as “I can’t believe that I did that, I’m a loser.” “I’ll never make enough money, I am a failure.”

This kind of thinking is not only irrational, but it is distorted and simply not true! So stop trying to define yourself with negative labels.

Would you think of yourself as an “eater” just because you eat? Or would you label yourself a “breather” just because you breathe? Of course not! So why then would you label yourself in a certain way when you make a mistake? It is simply nonsensical.

Likewise, when you label other people you will invariably create and generate hostility. For example, take the boss who sees his occasionally irritable secretary as “an uncooperative witch.”  Because of that label, he resents her and jumps at every chance to criticize her. She in turn labels him as an “insensitive chauvinist” and complains about him whenever anyone will listen! So around and around they go at each other’s throats, focusing on every weakness or imperfection as proof of the other’s worthlessness.

2.) Mislabeling involves describing an event with words that are inaccurate and emotionally heavily loaded. For example, a woman ate a dish of ice cream and thought, “how disgusting and repulsive of me. I’m a pig!” These thoughts made her so upset that she ate the whole quart of ice cream!

Both labeling and mislabeling can hurt others and yourself. It is wrong thinking that can and should be changed. So let’s kill this giant which keeps you in bondage and robs you from the abundant life that is yours in Jesus.

First, realize that every human being is made in the image of God.  That truth in and of itself should cause us to view each person as special in the eyes of God. And it should motivate us to not want to put a negative label on anyone that God considers sacred—including ourselves.

Then consider that Jesus warns not to call anyone a “fool,”  and of course “fool” would encompass many words that involve negatively labeling other people. And again, this would include labeling yourself with negative labels.

The scripture also tell us in the Book of Proverbs that life and death is in the power of the tongue.  And in the Book of James the Word of God makes it clear how important it is to bridle the tongue, for the tongue has the power to set things on fire!

Therefore, if we are going to kill the giant of labeling and mislabeling, then we must learn to submit our tongue, our words to God. Why should we or others suffer emotional hurt simply because of careless words of labeling and mislabeling?

 May God give us the wisdom and grace to see every person as special and sacred because they have been made in the image and likeness of God. Be intentional about this. Ask the Lord to help you see yourself and others as God sees. This one prayer can and will change your life! And although this is a process, it will be well worth the time and effort!

As you grow in this truth, you will begin to find it much easier to use your words in a way that brings blessing both to others and yourself. So no more labeling and mislabeling!

Let’s kill this giant. The result will be freedom from has bound you and restoration of all that is yours in Jesus!

Always keep this in mind: you are not killing this giant by yourself. God is with you, and He is much bigger than any giant you are facing or ever will face!

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