Thus far, in our two previous blogs, we have given you three signs that let us know that we are in the generation of the Lord's return. They are as follows: the rebirth of Israel in 1948; the retaking of Jerusalem in 1967 by the Jews(the first time since 70AD); and third, the Gospel of the Kingdom being preached to all the world as a witness(this could literally be a reality in the next few years--some say by the year 2015)! Now today I want to give you the final two signs that will definitely occur before the rapture of the Church and the second return of the Lord to the earth.
Both signs are revealed in II Thessalonians 2:3,"Let no one deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin(the antichrist) be revealed, the son of perdition;"
The first sign is that there will be a great falling away from the true faith of Christianity. Widespread hersey will sweep across the Church as many false teachers and false prophets emerge at the end of the age leading to an unprecedented apostasy or mass exodus from the church and from faith in the Biblical Christ. This will be such a mass apostasy that it will actually be "a sign" that the return of the Lord is near. It will not just be that the average attendance of church is declining; rather it will be a major turning from the the true faith. The church that is "watching" will know when this takes place. The second sign is when the man of sin or antichrist is revealed. Although the church will know him as the man who signs a seven year peace treaty with Israel ( See Daniel 9:27), he will be fully revealed three and one half years later when he sets himself up in the rebuilt Jewish Temple and declares himself to be god! This will be the abomination of desolation which Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:15 and Paul spoke of in II Thessalonians 2:4. Therefore, when these two signs are fulfilled, the church that is truly watching and paying attention to the signs of the times, will know that the rapture and second return of the Lord is even at the doors!
When you put these particular five signs together, the rebirth of Israel in 1948; the retaking of Jerusalem by the Jews in 1967; the preaching of the Gospel to all the world as a witness; the great falling away( the endtime apostasy from the true faith) and the revelation of the man of sin or the antichrist, you can know that the Lord is at hand!
So then, what should we do? We should be paying close attention to the signs that let us know that the Lord's return is imminent. And this should lead us to be passionate in knowing the Word of God and in walking in obedience to the Spirit. We should be as the wise virgins in Matthew 25 who are gathering the extra oil now so that we will be ready for the times that are ahead and for the Lord's glorious return. As it has been wisely said, "to be forewarned is to be forearmed."
I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
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