TEXT: Genesis 1:9-13 And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good. 11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning — the third day.
The light had been divided from the darkness on Day One; the waters above the expanse were divided from the waters below the expanse on Day Two; and now the dry land would be divided from the lower waters on Day Three.
On day three God was making the earth take on a definite shape as He commanded the land to rise up out of the water. How did He do it? By His powerful Word, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered to one place and let the dry ground appear.” He spoke and it was so. There is power in the Word of God! Also, later on the same day, God commanded the plants to be brought forth. As these plants would be growing on this land surface, God must have made this dry land with beautiful, nutritious soil to provide what the plants needed to grow and produce.
Once again, keep in mind that the ultimate goal of creation is to provide a home for mankind to live in. As I said Sunday in my message, the only creature God made in His own image was mankind. Genesis1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” As we go through the sometimes-technical-process of how God created the earth, I never want us to lose sight of the eternal purpose of the creation. Everything God made was so that He could have a family made in His own image that would share in His love and glory forever! This is why the Son of God came from heaven to earth. It’s why He died on the cross and rose from the dead. It’s why He will return to the earth a second time. We must never lose sight of this Divine truth. It is what the Bible is all about.
Because God said that He gathered the waters “together in one place,” creation scientists believe that the land would also have been in one place. That means that there is a good possibility that there was originally only one continent—one major land mass on the earth when it was first made. This continent may have had a variety of shapes around its coast with long narrow areas jutting out.
The shape of the land may have also divided up the water around the globe so that areas of water could be called “seas” –--which means thee was more than one sea. Think about the continent of Australia today. On the east side is what is called the Pacific Ocean, on the west side the Indian Ocean, and on the south The Great Southern Ocean. So, we have several different oceans, but it is one body of water. Consequently, even if the original earth only had one continent, there could still be a number of “seas.”
If there was only one continent originally, then something obviously happened to break up this one land mass to form all of the various continents that exist today. This most likely happened during the catastrophic event of Noah’s Flood. This is something we will look at when we get to chapters six through nine.
What was the land surface like when it was first made? For instance, would there have been high mountains like we have today? Likely not. As with the formation of the different continents, the mountains that we have today were most likely formed after the upheaval of the Great Flood in Noah’s day.
As a result of the flood, God raised up the mountains and then sunk the ocean floor so that the water could run off the earth. This would also explain why there are marine fossils on the tops of mountains like the Himalayas. The creatures were buried during the flood and then the sediments were raised up as the mountains were formed at the end of the flood. After the flood, in Genesis 9:11 God says, “I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." God promises to never again judge the earth by a global flood! But He will once again judge the earth.
In last week’s teaching, we made the point that God used the waters that He had placed above the earth (the huge canopy of water around the earth) to help bring about the Great Flood of Noah’s day. God knew man would fall, and He also knew that evil would reach its high point in the time of Noah when men would be demonized and in complete rebellion against God. Therefore, in order to save the Godly remnant, God opened the heavens and deluged the earth with water, destroying all mankind with the exception of Noah and his family.
So, as we are approaching the end of this present evil age, and evil is racing toward its pinnacle, where men will be in utter rebellion against God, how will the Lord save the remnant? How will He save His Church and save remnant Israel?
The Book of Revelation spells it out in 21 numbered judgements: The seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets and The Seven Bowls of wrath! This will take place over a period of seven years known as The Tribulation Period.
God will use the deception of the antichrist, worldwar, famine, plague, geological and cosmological upheavals, including monster earthquakes and solar flares of intense heat, angels as well as demonic creatures released from hell. God will do these things from the least intense to the most intense,giving man an opportunity to repent. As we have said many times, He will use the least severe means possible to bring about the greatest good. But He will not relent until evil is defeated! The greatest judgment of all will be the Second return of Jesus from heaven to destroy the antichrist armies and the antichrist himself!
What I want you to see tonight is that God, despiteman’s sin, will accomplish His Divine purposes for the earth and for His people—the Church and remnant Israel. Evil will be defeated, and God’s eternal plan will be realized. So, the Great Flood in the day of Noah is not just an historical event that we read about. Rather, it is a prophetic sign of what God will do at the time of the end. “As it was in the day of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:37). Evil will be abounding. There will be a remnant of God on the earth. God will destroy evil and save the remnant just as He did in Noah’s day. The only difference is how God will do it. Just as sure as God used a worldwide flood to accomplish His will in the days of Noah, this time He will use the judgements revealed in the Book of the Revelation to accomplish His plan at the end of the age!
You know that I like to apply the Word of the Lord to where we are today. Remember, God’s Word is living and active. It is forever settled in the heavens. Not one jot or tittle will pass away until all things are fulfilled. Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s Word will never pass away. It is the same all-powerful word that commanded the dry land to appear on day three of creation. It is the same word that stilled the storm when Jesus said, “Peace be still.”
On Monday evening as I was watching Newsmax, I noticed something scrolling across the bottom of the screen. It said, “Donald Trump urges Israel to complete its mission against Hamas because global support was fading.” That statement of support for Israel from President Trump comes at the same time the Biden Administration and the Left,including Chuck Schumer, are turning their backs on Israel. Everything is being brought into the light!
This is what I want you to see. First, President Trump supports both Israel and the Church. Secondly, he is being attacked by those controlled by the anti- Semitic and antichrist spirit (anti-Israel and anti-Church). In case you haven’t been paying attention, the Left in this country is anti-Israel and anti-Church! It is becoming more obvious every day!
If you can understand what I have just said, then you can better understand the battle that is going on for the soul of our nation! This is not just about the GOP and the demonized democratic party, including the rinos (republicans in name only) who are attacking President Trump and who are trying to turn our country into a Marxist state. It is an attempt to destroy America by Satan so that he can more easily form his one world government, thefinal beast kingdom to oppose God.
Third, Satan knows that his destiny is tied to Israel and the Church. He knows that for prophecy to be fulfilled, which will be his demise, Israel must be a nation and be in control of Jerusalem so that they can recognize and welcome back Jesus as their Messiah. That is what is behind the attack on October 7, 2023, and it is what is behind the Left in this country turning their back on Israel. Satan wants to isolate Israel and then destroy them! He will not succeed. When this prophecy is fulfilledconcerning Israel, and it will be, his days are numbered, and he knows it! Satan also knows that it will be the Church that prays down the judgements in the Book of the Revelation and puts an end to his kingdom, and eventually sees him cast into the lake of fire forever! Therefore, he rages against the church and is attempting to destroy her. He will not be successful! Jesus said, I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!
Now is the time for understanding. Now is the time to know the times and know what to do. Now is the time to draw close to the Lord. Now is the time to hear His Voice and pray down His will “on earth as it is in heaven.”
May God open our eyes so that we may fulfill our God-given destiny for our generation. God’s is always speaking to us through His Word and by His Spirit. The only question is, “are we listening?”
Let’s pray.
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