Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Next Move is Gods: Part 2

In preparation for the coming move of God, the Holy Spirit is at work transforming the Church into a vessel of honor that will be able to steward God's Kingdom power with humility and wisdom. Part of this transforming work, as we have stated in previous blogs, will be to discover the gifts that God has placed within you "for such a time as this." And once you know what those gifts are, the Spirit will work with you and in you to mature those gifts which are to be manifested for His glory and for the establishment of His Kingdom. Also, as part this process, the Holy Spirit will wisely and lovingly be
removing from your life anything that would hinder this "gift discovery and maturity." Allow me to use an example from what happened at the conclusion of our Wednesday night service to illustrate this truth.

During the service on Wednesday night, the Holy Spirit dropped a word in my heart about the need for His Church to be free from any generational curses that may be attached to our life. For example, I have an Indian background. This would mean that my life and family would be susceptible to the animistic religion of my ancestors, which would include falsehood and superstition. It doesn't mean that I or my family are involved in falsehood or superstition, but only that we are vulnerable to it. I do believe that demonic spirits follow generational curses to keep God's people from fulfilling their destinies. Hence the need to break all generational curses in the name of Jesus Christ. That is what we did at the conclusion of our service. And it was amazing the spiritual victory that came when the enemy was brought into the light, exposed and defeated by the Spirit's authority.

It was also during this ministry time that the Lord began to identify other curses that people were dealing with. One curse/spirit that was identified was a curse or spirit of abuse. This kind of spirit usually works through the words and actions of a family member in order to manipulate and control another person. Associated with this kind of spirit is fear and insecurity. The person is beat
down and is made to feel afraid, unworthy, and useless. And this is the enemy's goal in rendering them ineffective as a Christian. But as this curse/spirit was brought into the light, prayer was offered up and authority was taken over this curse/spirit in the name of Jesus Christ! And the room was filled with victory! Hear me friend, there is power in the name of Jesus Christ. Everyone who was present in that meeting knew that something powerful and significant had taken place. Something had been cleared out of the way so that the Lord could do what needs to be done. A believer cannot know and operate fully in the gifts of the Spirit as long as he or she is bound by some curse or spirit! 
As I close this word today, I want to help you apply this powerful truth to your life. Right now, I ask the Holy Spirit to begin revealing to you any generational curses that may be effecting your life. Think of your mother or father, grandmother or grandfather. Was there any curse, any besetting sin like drunkenness or adultery that plagued your family? Wait before the Lord for just a moment. Ask the
Holy Spirit to reveal to you any generational curse to which you may be vulnerable. Don't be afraid. Rather be honest, knowing that God desires to set you free and make you ready for what He has planned for your life. Once you have identified any curse, take authority over it and break its power over you in the name of Jesus Christ! I am praying for you even as I write these words. Once you have done this, stand in faith and expect God to reveal to you the gift or gifts that He has placed within you. God wants you free because He loves you and because He desires for you to fulfill your destiny upon
this earth. If you need further ministry or would like to communicate with me, please feel free to drop me an email at I will keep any communication completely confidential. Please know that I am praying for you as you pursue His perfect and complete will for your life. Friend, the last four months of this year could be some of the most important months in your life. Submit to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to do in you everything that needs to be done. Please don't be afraid. As I have always said, the one Man that you can trust with your life is the One who has nail scares in His hands.

More will be coming in future blogs. Please continue to follow what God is saying to you. And be sure to test everything and hold fast to that which is good. Shalom on the people of God.


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